martes, 29 de agosto de 2017

A visit to the Library

A Visit To The Library

I visited the Library located in the University "Del Valle" and learned how to look for books in a library.

The experience of searching the location of the books through the Digital catalog and the Physical catalog was interesting and somewhat fun. I went and looked for the theme i wanted to read and got all the information on what bookshelf to find it on, was a really easy system to learn and finding the book wasnt as hard as i thought it would be.
The library used the US' congress library classification system.

The Books I Read

1.-HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of  Conspiracy
Is about a conspiracy theory surround a group of antennas used by the US Government located in Alaska

2.-The Maya
Is a book about the Mayan language, traditions, buildings and many other themes surrounding the Mayas

Beliefs of Christianity

Beliefs of Christianity

The beliefs and traditions of Christianity are based on the teachings that Jesus and his apostles left behind in the Bible for Christians. Christians believe that Jesus was God in a human form and saw his death and ressurection as a proof of forgiveness that God has.

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The Christians Bible

The Tanakh or Hebrew Bible, makes of most of the Bible, Christians refer to this part of the Bible as the "Old Testament". The other part of the Bible is referred as the "New Testament" which contains information about the life and teachings of Jesus and writting of some early christian leaders.

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The Trinity

The Trininty is a concept of Christianity that consists on three parts, Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
This concept separates them from other religions such as Judaism and Islam which dont believe or .accept the Trinity

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lunes, 21 de agosto de 2017

Solar Eclipses

Solar Eclipse

What is it?

A Solar Eclipse is a phenomenom produced when the moon covers the sun from the Earth's point of view, however this is only able to happen during New Moon.

Types of Eclipse

Partial: This happens when the Moon covers the Sun partially.
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Partial Eclipse

Total: This happens when the Moon covers the Sun totally.
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Total Eclipse

Annular: Occurs when the Sun and Moon are exactly in line with the Earth but moons size looks more apparent.
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Annular Eclipse

Hybrid: This Eclipse shifts between total, annular and partial types of Eclipses at certain point of Earth
Images of a total solar eclipse, a partial eclipse, and an annular eclipse.
Hybrid Eclipse

Eclipses in Guatemala

91' Total Eclipse left Guatemala in complete darkness. Was seen in all over Central America
Eclipse total de Sol, cubrió totalmente a Centro América el  11/7/1991. (Foto: Hemeroteca PL)

Some of the next visible Eclipses in Guatemala are:

2023, 14 February with a partial Eclipse covering 90% of the Sun
2024 a Partial Eclipse covering 90% of the Sun
2028, a partial Eclipse similar to the one of 2017

jueves, 17 de agosto de 2017

A Craddle of Civilization

A  Craddle of Civilization

Israel and its neighbors are in the area of the Fertile Crescent. The civilization in this area began practicing agriculture, they developed new tools for farming, for example: Plows

The villages these agricultors had built grew into being towns. One of the oldest being Jericho still exists today and is now called the West Bank.

The origins of Judaism

In the present day Israel and Palestinian Territories were once called Canaan. The people in Canaan were pagans meaning they worship multiple Gods. People known as Israelites moved into the region of Canaan, the Israelites practiced monontheism meaning they would only worship one God, the religion of Israelites came to be known as Judaism.

 The Israelites rejected the Caanites so they left to Egypt but they were enslaved by them, according to the Bible, Moses, a prophet went to Egypt to free Israelites from the Pharaoh power and guided them to Jerusalem, howerver Jerusalem, known as the Israelite Kingdom of Judah at the time, was conquered by the Babylonia Empire in 587 B.C.

The Babylonian Empire destroyed the Temple of Jerusalem and kept captive many Judah people, however Persian Empire defeated Babylonian Empire and all the Judah scattered in a diaspora. After this the Judad began calling themselves Jews. The Region eventually came under control of the Roman Empire which forced Jews to pay massive amount of money in taxes, also killed thousands of Jews throughout this time. Many Jews fled the region and the Romans banned the entrance of Jews to Jerusalem.