viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2017

Independence and Conflict

Zionism and Jewish Settlement

When Jews began to migrate and settle on Europe they suffered severly from Anti-Semitism, which is discrimination against the Jews and their beliefs. Because of this the Jews decided to create a movement called Zionism which was its purpose was to create a safe place or state in which they could establish their people and live away from all that discrimination.

Resultado de imagen para zionism

Zionism functioned as a government for Jews before there was even a state or settlement for them.
It influences the politics of Israel until this present day.

Resultado de imagen para zionism

The Zionism movement helped Jews to create an opportunity to have a state, a safe place which all Jews around the world could call home. Some of the Proposed homelands for Jews were Alaska and Uganda, but Jerusalem was the place that favored most of the Jews at that time because of their ancient connections with the place.

Resultado de imagen para Jerusalem

Zionism today isn't as much of a powerful and influencing organization as it was before but it is still around on the present days, now recalled and known as the World Zionist Organization which along Israel Government encourages Jews to settle down in Palestinian land.

Resultado de imagen para world zionist organization

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